Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Advanced Level Design Week 01 "Block Out"

Going off the reference given of 1800's Victorian London, I chose a old west, SteamPunk look and feel and this is my first block out attempt in Unreal Engine 4 with simple geometry. 
I chose to create some very simply set pieces in Maya, laying the ground work for a 
modular workflow later. 

Working from a landscape project that I had already started weeks prior to the start of Spring Semester, there is a prime location for a dam and its lake. This gives function to the city and why it is there. As well as, giving the player multiple tiers to explore. I was thinking of some Parkour abilities and possibly a wing suit to fly up and down like a glider from tier to tier. 

Reference pictures used as inspiration and feel of the city, not necessarily final look and feel.